Congratulations to Maddison and Preston on their recent adoptions.... to date CPK Rescuers has rescued 282 CPK's and re-adopted 164 YAAAY!!!!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

What Happens at Headquarters?

We rescued 9 kids in Mt. Vernon, Washington at a thrift store!
The Rescuer's scope out Craigslist, thrift stores, flea markets, antique malls, and yard sales for CPKs.  When one is found, he or she is immediately hugged, wrapped in a blanket and taken home with Jen & Peter.  Once home, they are clothes, then observed with the other Kids, and their personalities are noted.  This is when Jen gives them a name, fitting their unique personality.  After getting comfortable and introduced to the other Kids, they are inspected for injury and/or needed surgeries.  They get a facial and scrub, and then, if needed, they get a haircut and/or new hairdo!  The final step is to sew on a special little blue label with a star.  This is the reminder that your little was was rescued from an aweful place....but now has all the love they need by being re-adopted!
The day we found Melodie!  
Lucy getting a scrub-down by Peter
Raimee having minor surgery on her back-side by Emily
Melodie getting her hair cut by Peter
Little Bella's arm needed immediate surgery.  All better now!
Bella's post-surgery haircut
Naomi's Rescuer Re-adoption patch.  All rescued CPKs get one.
After the Kids are cleaned and repaired, they are given a cookie and a hug.  Next comes being photographed and interviewed for their bio on the Re-Adoption page.  Their bio stays on that page until we are contacted and one of the Kids is inquired about.  After the Re-adoption papers are finalized, he or she says "Good-bye" to the other Kids, and is shipped to their new home!  

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